International Journal of Exploring Emerging Trends in Engineering (IJEETE)is a refereed international engineering journal in online form. It is published in English, monthly.

Yes. You may read and also download the research papers available in our journal. In fact, it is made available for FREE to all scholars, academicians and last but not the least, all those researchers having strong interest and zeal in reading and expanding their knowledge horizons.

You may go to the current issue or Past Issues and click ‘View and Download’ option available right below each paper.

IJEETE encourages all researchers and academicians to submit their research work either in the form of research papers/articles/book reviews. You may send the same to info@ijeete.co. Once, the submitted paper is received by the IJEETE team, the concerned author will be informed about the receipt of the paper along with the expected number of weeks to be taken for review. Generally, the authors are intimated regarding the status of their papers within a span of two – three days from the date of submission.

Next issue is expected to be published by the last week of every month. Hence, papers submitted after the 25th of every month will be considered for the next issue of IJEETE.

It is a simple process. Once you are ready with your paper as per the author guidelines given in IJEETE website, you are expected to submit your paper/article/book review etc. to the Editor at: submission@ijeete.com. You will be receiving an acknowledgement e-mail from the Editor-IJEETE.